These commands are run from the integrated terminal in VSCode. To open the integrated terminal, press Ctrl+` (backtick/tilde button) or go to the View menu and select Integrated Terminal.
Download Latest Code:
npm run pull
Start the Programming Environment:
npm start
Stop the Programming Environment:
Press Ctrl+C in the integrated terminal or click the Close button in your web browser's programming environment view.
Primitive types.
boolean, number, string
Declare a variable.
let <name>: <type> = <value>;
Declare an array.
let <name>: <type>[] = [];
Test Equality
<value> === <value>
Declare a function.
function <name>(<parameter name>: <type>...): <return type> { }
function print(value: any): void;
value - Print a string representation of any argument to the browser.
function image(url: string): void;
url - The web address of an image, like a gif, that you would like to display in the app.
function clear(): void;
Clears any previous output on the screen.
function promptString(text: string, callback: function): void;
text - The instruction text to prompt the user with.
callback - A function that has a single string parameter. This function will be called once the user has input a string into the prompt.
function promptNumber(text: string, callback: function): void;
text - The instruction text to prompt the user with.
callback - A function that has a single number parameter. This function will be called once the user has input a number into the prompt.
function promptBoolean(text: string, callback: function): void;
text - The instruction text to prompt the user with.
callback - A function that has a single number parameter. This function will be called once the user has input a number into the prompt.