Comp 101 Victoria Maxwell

Victoria Maxwell

Why Computer Science?

I just find CS to be really fun! It's exciting to see the many and diverse things that you can do with programming! There are so many projects that you can come up with and create. The possibilities are endless! I also really enjoyed my time in comp110, so by being a UTA I can share my enjoyment with others and help others to also find the fun in CS.


doodling, cats, mint ice cream, mac and cheese, the color purple, reading, harry potter, the beach, nature

UNC Status

2019, Computer Science



Favorite Programming Keyword

My favorite programming keyword is the "if" keyword in java because the "if" keyword allows so many more possibilities in progamming. A program doesn't just have to do the same thing no matter what the circumstance; the "if" keyword allows the program to do different things based on different circumstances. I really can't imagine what programming would be like if (XD) the "if" keyword didn't exist! It's simple but so powerful!